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The BEST Cards Of Thanks listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST Cards Of Thanks listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Cards of Thanks 

Keith McKellar <br>Celebration of Life  Keith McKellar  Celebration of Life    Thank You  On behalf of our families and myself, I would like to sincerely Thank Dr.  deBruyn, Dr. Rylance, the EMS, health care professionals, and Doctors  at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre, and Red Deer Regional  Hospital, for their care and kindness given to my husband, Keith  McKellar before and at his time of passing. Our health system was there  for us when we needed it and I am forever grateful to them.  To Reverend Marco Ste-Marie, Pat Kriz, the Caring Team, and  the support of Rimbey United Church for a beautiful celebration.  The wonderful luncheon prepared by the UCLF, beautiful flower  arrangements, cards, casseroles, meat and fruit trays filled our home. To  all who traveled from near and far to Celebrate his Life and participate  in the service, your kindness will never be forgotten. A special thank you  to Chuck Lindea and Dave Onysyk of NCA, for your kind words, he  was smiling down on all of us that day.  I sincerely Thank you for the donations to charities in Keith’s memory.  I know the next chapter of my life will have its ups and downs, but I will  be able to face the challenges with the help and support of our family  and friends and this wonderful community we call Rimbey.    In appreciation, Cathy, Carol, Cliff Doroshenko,  Nicole, Peter Ellul, and Lori McKellar.
Thank you <br>The Family of  Thank you  The Family of Thomas & Joan Fenwick would like to thank  the Staff of Rimbey Long Term Care Facility for the care  they gave Dad (Tom) over the past two years.  Dr. deBruyn for his care and patience for Tom & Joan.  Wilson’s Funeral Home for the Care of Mom & Dad during  this time.  “When two people fell in love, for all Eternity”  United in Marriage May 25th, 1968.